AMERICAN GIRL FRENZYOK. for those of you who don't know what they are, American girl dolls are these cute dolls that you can order to look just like your daughter, (or not) and then you can get a second job to buy all of the accesories and outfits and teepees and 'whatnot' that goes along with them. Madison has been a fan of them for a few years and since her friend Delaney moved to Texas, she has been missing a AGD friend to play with. Until today.
My friend Julie told me last week that she was getting her daughter a doll on Saturday and would be going to THE STORE to get it. (unlike me ordering everything online) and I quickly asked if we could make it a date because if you knew how much time Madison spends looking through the catalog every time one shows up, you'd take her too. So we went, through the snow and all, to North Point Mall

This is the salon where you can give your old doll a 'new do' Choose your style baby.

There is also a bistro located in the store with enough doll high chairs so everyone has a place to sit.

Dolls even get their own menu's.

Julie got a new 'do' today too! ( say "do today too" 5 times!) You look great, Jewels!

Madison and Jess.

Gabriella and Mia. She is quite happy with her new friend.

Strawberry smoothies.

This is Kevin. He was the only man we saw in the place. He cut about 6 birthday cakes in a 10 minute span of time. Popular place for parties. He doesn't have any sisters but he does have 2 brothers. I wondered if he was proud to tell his friends that he worked at American Girl stores. He should be. :)

You're a star Madison. You shine!

I do NOT know what that pose is. They were both quick to strike it though.

i see that the doll looks nothing like her. does the whole thing weird you out a little? or is that just me?
woohoo, who is that hot woman on your blog? ;) hee hee... thanks for going with me, it was a blast... its all Gabriella talks about.
I squealed a little when I read this blog. I had EVERYTHING American Girl when I was that age. I still have them all packed away in my parents basement - I just couldn't imagine parting with them. I haven't been to the store yet but I heard it was amazing - I've already called my girlfriends to all go together. I guess you just never grow out of some things!!
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