Gatlinburg, TNSo 2 days after Christmas we packed up the RAV and headed to the Smoky Mountains. The weather forcast was super cold and there was a storm passing by which meant that the chances of snow were good. We drove the route that would take us through the mountains but found out that it was closed due to bad weather so what should have taken us 4 hours took over 6. We arrived when it was pitch dark and this is the veiw that we woke up to.

This is a close up of the ski resort. They were making snow and it pulled in cloud cover.

The view of our neighbors on the right.

and to the left, tons of cabins. Gatlinburg is a hot town for tourists, there are cabin rentals everywhere. We had an awesome place with a hot tub, pine inside and out, it slept about 16. My brother in law and his 4 kids along with the fabulous Olivera family came too so it was nice and cozy.

The only bummer was this elevator. It was kind of fun in the beginning but it was slow and if someone went downstairs and didn't shut the gate then you couldn't get it back up so there was a lot of pounding on the floor for communication.

This was the upstairs loft where the Olivera girls stayed. The air hockey sort of made it a community room and they were super good sports about that.

I was really glad that Steve brought along his guitar. It seemed to sound better in a cabin in the mountains.

Zoe liked it too and tried to take a nap while he played.

We all got bundled up and headed for the ski slopes. It was about 20 degrees and this was a bus that took us to the top.

Ice skating break.

After growing up in Utah, this place seemed like a rookies paradise. They had a lot of fun until Paul feel on his binding and fractured his tailbone. OUCH! Also messed up his knee. That really sucks.

Zoe watching the ice skaters

Our room had a huge jacuzzi tub that seemed like a pool with Zoe and her cousin Samuel in it.

Pretty stinkin cute if you ask me. :)

It's so cool sitting it 103 degree water while it is 20 degrees outside. A hot cup of coffee and you don't get out until you are totally shriveled.

i was waiting on pins and needles to see photos from your mountain top retreat. so cute. i love the one of the neighbor's cabin in the shadow of yours.
your girls are so delightful and i love them
Hey! I've been to THAT slope before. Of course, it was in the summertime. :) Trevor was only 2! Yes, it's been that long.
Awesome! I'm so happy you all got to go and get some good R&R!
ok, I know I am way late but I just downloaded this cool thing that lets me know when you've updated your blog... so hopefully I can keep up better now! ;) These were fun looking shotes.. I totally the love the picture of Zoe doing a face plant while Steve is playing the guitar... too funny!! :D
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