Last weekend we had the pleasure of going to Murphy, North Carolina and that was the town's slogan. There is something about small hometowns. They just have a vibe that makes you feel like calling your grandma. People are so nice and it was no exception at the wedding of Rachel West and John Snow III. They were married at the church right in the center of town. Literally. This is a photo of the church almost 2 hours before the ceremony. People were already lining up to get a good seat and at 30 minutes before show time, the line just kept getting longer! I've never seen anything like it. People were lined up down the street and they began setting up chairs in the basement to handle the overflow. I don't know how they did it, but everyone was able to see the ceremony. It was standing room only.
I love this shot of the bridal party waiting in the stairwell. It's about 60 seconds and counting and the bride and her sister share one last moment.
The Reception was held at McGuire's Millrace Farm. The weather was absolutely perfect, and the flowers were stunning. Stacey Brown from the Bloom Room did a beautiful job with the arrangements. She pays incerdible attention to detail. I love the wreath on this old building at the entrance to the farm.
I stood down in the bottom of an empty pond and had an instant heavenly background.
I have been really blessed the past 18 months to have an amazing photographer and friend shoot with me. MeWha is an incredible asset to every wedding. We work really well together and there is nothing like having a second perspective. Here are a few examples of the two of us shooting the same thing but with totally different views.
I love shooting in open doorways. The lights from the inside of the barn adds a little something while the natural sunlight is perfect for portraits.
MeWha was standing inside and shot the same thing. I love this one!
Opposite views.
Rachel and John had Snow cookies and Snow Flakes for favors. It was a perfect gift to match their last name. I don't think that idea would have had the same effect at my wedding.
I no longer live in Murphy, NC but know these lovely families. The
photography is truly amazing. You really have a gift and so does this couple and their families to have such a lovely remembrance of their wedding day.
Elaine Huffman
Love it Shawna and Me Wha! Great shots! Robert Adams
Shawna you work is truly amazing! Great job.
Fantastic job on the slideshow. I work for Whiteflash where John and Rachel got their wedding rings. They shared the link - you do a wonderful job of placing us all right in the moment.
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