I don't know exactly what it is, but at Whitney and Adam's wedding, something just clicked in the way that I "saw" things. Whenever I arrive at a wedding, I begin to assess the location for it's vibe, you know, the feeling of the place and how to incorporate it into the pictures, so to speak. Well, Waynesboro is a small town 3 hours outside of Atlanta, and it's claim to fame is being the bird dog capital of the world. I knew this because of a shirt that was wrapped up for sale inside of the salon.

I felt so blessed to be in a profession where I get to be a big part of recording people's memories. What an honor it is to record something so wonderful as the day people make a covenant with God. I'm so lucky to be able to meet new people and spend time with them on such a tremendous day.
Thanks Whitney and Adam. Your wedding was beautiful!
Shawna, these pictures are amazing and your heart is too! Thank you so much.
I have never seen a wedding presentation so nice. You should be in Hollywood filming movies. The backgrounds, and the different colors used are award winning. The casual pictures you use, also bring a lot of detail to your work.
Nancy and Steve
Thanks so much! MeWha thinks I should be in film making, too. Maybe one day I'll give it a try. Any ideas for a story line?
I always love seeing your new slideshows. You are FANTASTIC! I am so excited for you to be with us at our wedding. See you soon~
Kelly Hammond
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