A few of you have emailed me asking how my sister Cloey is doing, I posted on her a few months ago. I wanted to thank you for your prayers and concern. Her baby, Daniel, is 2 months old now and he is very, very loved. for those of you who do not know, Cloey was diagnosed with breast cancer about the same time she found out she was pregnant with her fourth child. The doctors all advised her to abort the baby and seek chemo and radiation therapy, and she said very clearly, 'no'. She and her husband Paul believe that children are a gift from God and they wanted this child. so she said that she was willing to put her life on the line so that this child might live. And she has. Daniel was born on February 7, 2007. He is perfect.
Cloey has had about 6 blood transfusions to elevate her hemoglobin count which has been very low since the birth. The tumor is about the size of a cantelope and she is hallucinating with frequent fevers. she has lost over 40 pounds, has very little energy and most of the time, cannot communicate with much clarity. There is a huge support team including friends and family that rotates almost 24/7 to take care of her and her 4 children. It is heartbreaking to see her in this state. For those of you, and us, her family, who believe that Jesus is that same today as He has always been, and IS able to heal the sick, it is still a test of faith. It's easy to say you believe, but when it comes right down to it, do you really believe? When your eyes see something that tell you otherwise, can you trust?
From the beginning of diagnosis, Cloey said that she would not go the common route of treatment. This causes problems for a lot of people. Her husband has had to withstand a barage of accusations and questions from people that he knows and loves and even some he doesn't. Her faith has not waivered. She has danced in front of the entire church to a song that says " I have to believe".....
She is living out her faith in God and walking in obedience to what she said He told her to do.
You can't argue with what someone says the lover of their soul told them to do. He didn't tell me, or you, or anyone else. He told her.
Look anywhere in the world and you will see lots of people who have sold out to a variety of things. Money, power, sex, the accolades of man, there is a constant pull of things that vie for our loyalty. Cloey is sold out to Jesus Christ. She challenges us all. She inspires and makes us question what we really believe.
She trusts Him.
She said that she would lay down her life so that her son might live. No greater love is there than this.
As the creator of all things looks down on the earth and asks... 'Will I find faith anywhere on the earth?'
She will say "yes". Not with her mouth, but with all that she is and does.
I understand if this update challenges you. One thing I know for sure, the only absolute truth comes from God the father, through His son Jesus Christ. That is eternal. This life is only temporary. She is living her life with the eternal in mind.
She had a good day last Friday. Here is a photo of her with her son Daniel. If you believe, please add her to your prayers.

Thank you so much for the update. I have been praying for her and even though I do not know her, I fully support her and stand in faith with her decision. Her son is indeed beautiful and just like his mother!
Much love,
Stephen and I will certainly be praying for Cloey. Her courage touches me deeply and I'm sure it will touch so many more. What a courageous woman, and what a living testament to the grace of God and the assurance of eternity.
Rachel Jones
Hey Shawna! Thanks for this. I really miss Cloey something awful. I don't care if her mind is fully there, I just want to go love on her so bad. Pray that I can soon.
Standing firm. We love you all!
i am praying Shawna. Love you!
Lori had a link to your post on her website. I don't know Cloey as well, but I have been blessed to know her a little, and I saw her dance; I think it was the same day as Virg and Lori's baby dedications. Her courage and faith have awed and inspired me as well. I will continue to praise God for her healing! I look forward to sometime soon coming to witness her testimony, and may she even come share her testimony in Macon, too. God bless all of you! Kiss her head, and Daniel's head for me. Hugs and prayers for Paul, the kids, and all her family as well.
In Jesus' Holy Name.
Rachel Simms
Thank you everyone, she had a recent c-scan which showed that the cancer has spread to her skull, ( not her brain ) her hip, a spot on her liver and one on her kidney. They said it is very aggressive and that even if she would have aborted the baby and sought chemo, the chances that she would be in the same situation are likely. Regardless...God is still sovereign. I appreciate everyone's prayers so much.
Love, Shawna
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