No shortage of love.This is Brittain and she is 14 months old. Her mom and dad, Valerie and Dan, are head over heels in love with her and so is everyone else. How could you not be?

I love that face!

Pink John Deere. Ya gotta love that.

Dan, Valerie and Brittain

Flying in Daddy's arms

This is Brittain's Great Aunt Susan, and the famous yellow bird that has a motion sensor tweeter. It's a hit with Brittain and I believe he kept a watch on us the entire shoot, with an occasional serenade.

One of many mother- daughter moments.

Aunt Cecilia was a June bride of mine and I have been blessed with extended photo shoots within her circle of family and friends.

This is Brittain's Mimi. There are never adequate words to tell about Mimi's. There is a common denomonator between grandparents and grandchildren and they become instant allies.

I was really happy that Brittain liked me so much. Valerie said that she is normally very reserved around strangers but we had a thing going on that day. Maybe she knew I was Zoe's mom. I was getting some shots while she was on the bed and she kept crawling down to me for close up's. I just held the camera to the side and shot this one. What a sweetie!

All three of these women have voices like angels. I'm not kidding. Brittain was taking a sippy cup break while they sang ( or should I say harmonized perfectly! ) songs to her. She just looked up at them with big eyes and I couldn't help but think about how loved she must feel. How beautiful it sounded. My favorite song lately is one by Bethany Dillon. It's called "My love hasn't grown cold" and in it God says " When you are in your bed, I sing over you the sweetest things because oh, my love, it does not tire." It saw a picture of that song right before my eyes and it was all I could do to not start crying. Seriously. It was a gift to me. Thank you Brittain.
Here is your slideshow
Shawna...I'm struggling here...I can't seem to find the words. I've watched the slideshow now at least 30 times. It's midnight now and I plan on being up at least another 2 hours so I can continue to watch it. I love my child more than anything in the world and seeing these pictures renews my love for her and keeps me remembering why God put me on this earth. You captured her every expression and that precious personality that I adore. My 31st birthday will be one that I will never forget. Thank you for sharing your time and your talent with my family. When I talked to Cecilia tonight and we watched the slideshow "together" (she was in Ft. Myers, FL and I was here in Griffin), she said to me, "Shawna was sent to us." I don't think that's far from the truth. What a blessing you have been and continue to be to us.
By the way, go ahead and book us for doing this at least once a year, if not more often than that.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
So ttthhhhaaatttt's what perfection looks like! Wow.
I'd like to see a slide show with mom and dad - what a handsome couple.
Shawna - I work at In Touch Ministries and became hooked on your work after seeing Julie Worthington's wedding slideshow.
Now - just about every Monday - I hit your site for the latest wedding show or family show.
I just love it and often do tear up a bit - so I kinda know what Valerie means - you just get drawn in and cannot look away.
God bless and your precious ministry of "perserving us - for us!"
Life is fast - only a photo will slow it down!
I hope you never tire of the 'gasps of joy' from the people you photograph! I thank you for the shots of me. I never like pictures of me. You have changed that (at least with these pictures). The 'Brittain expressions' are priceless, and you captured all of the wonderful and beautiful parts of those beautiful girls in my family I love so dearly. Thank you. Great Aunt Susan
Lovely, as usual!
Oh, Shawna. . .just when I think you can't get any better, you go and do just that!! Your style continues to wow me as well as your ability to make each person's photos unique to them. And these certainly captured my niece's personality so perfectly! Everyone talks about the love between a mother and child when she first holds her baby at birth. . .but I never truly realized just how strong that bond would be for an aunt and her niece! Brittain has blessed my life. . .she makes me happy just being around her! And these photos capture that same energy and joy that she exudes everyday. Thank you for giving me these photos to hold on to while I am miles away from her at home so that I can still feel that same happiness in my heart just by looking at her sweet face.
Thank you for all of your comments, it makes my job so much more fullfilling to know that my photos affect the heart.
After seeing Emma Kate's photos, I couldn't wait for Brittain to get her photo shoot. I think I was as anxious as Valerie! Deep down I thought nothing could compare to Emma Kate's. But I was wrong. These are just as astonishing. You are incredible!
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