I am here for this beautiful Indian wedding that last 3 days. Last night Me Wha and I went to a dinner at the bride's sister's house. I immediately felt underdressed becuase all the women wore such beautiful, elaborate clothes! Picture Pakistani wardrobes with amazing jewelry and silk scarves. ( It's getting harder to find pregnant clothes that look fashionable anyway.) The father of the bride encouraged us to take pictures of everything that was going on in the house, from the men praying on one room to the women preparing and decorating in another. Kids ran free throughout the house and the food was awesome. ( I love spicy stuff! ) It was facinating to be immersed in this totally different culture and everyone was so helpful and happy to explain everything and answer all of our questions. Today will be the ceremony in the mosque and the henna party tonight....stay tuned...

those are amazing!!
Beautiful Shawna, the second image is phenomenal! Big hugs! km
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